1000 Blank White Cards
Written by Abha Vardhan (2019)
In this article, we will discuss the interesting card game known as 1000 white cards (1000 White blank cards), which was initially created in the United States.
In the beginning, the 1000 White blank cards game was played by a small group of students. However, a fire completely destroyed the place where they used to play this game.
The regular meeting place of the players was destroyed and most players lost contact with each other and moved to other cities. Scattered in different locations, the players passed-on the information about this game in the different parts of the world where they relocated.
The Principle of the Game
The principle of the game is very simple. The players need to create their own cards with which they will play. Initially, the concept of the game was extremely open with no restrictions on the structure for cards and descriptions.
These initial rules seem more or less authoritative and allow both an open and imaginative game and a framework for the expression of the imagination. However, now there are certain rules that players must follow when creating cards.
How to Create Cards
You don’t need anything complicated to play this card game; just a simple box of blank business cards and a pen per person. It is recommended not to use felt tip pens since they can soak the card. Also, avoid using graphite pencils since the written matter might fade with time.
If this is the first time all players have played, or if you want to start a new game, each player is given 5 to 10 white cards with which they create their own cards.
You can use all 1000 cards if you wish, however when you are playing the game for the first time, it is convenient to use 10 to 15 blank cards per player. A thousand-card deck will make the game rather lengthy.
The rules for the creation of the cards:
- A card must bear a title. This will be the subject of the card.
- A card must include a drawing, image, sticker, stamp or any other graphic element. You need not be an artist in order to create your cards. When you play more, you will find that your artistic skills will improve a lot. It is best to avoid making maps but after all, nothing forbids it.
- A card must have a point value. We usually set this value between -1000 and +1000, but any other agreed upon and commonly accepted point value is accepted.
- A card may have any other instructions or descriptions indicating an effect on the game such as ‘Draw another Card,’ ‘Lose A Turn’, and something weird such as ‘Dance Like A Chicken’ Or ‘Eat This Card.’ So, you need to be imaginative in order to create unique cards to make the game more enjoyable and adventurous.
Your cards can have any sort of instruction; however, a general rule is the Consent rule. It states that a card should not cross any player’s personal boundaries and if it does, they can reject joining in the game.
How to Set Up the Game
After all the cards have been created, a fixed number of "pre-written" cards are added with a fixed number of blank white cards. All the cards are mixed and 5 cards are distributed to each player. Usually, 5 white cards per player are added. The remainder of the deck is placed in the center of the table.
The Game Play
Each player during their turn draws a card that they add to their hand. The player then plays a card either in front of himself, in front of another player or at the center of the table. The effect of the card applies to the player in front of whom it is placed. If the card is placed in the middle, it targets all players.
The possible effect of the card is applied such as rewarding points or modifying the game rules. Such cards are placed on the table so that players remain aware of these effects. Cards with no lasting effects or those that are nullified are usually placed in a discard pile. In general rules, in case of conflict, the last card takes priority over the previous cards.
The game usually terminates when the deck of cards becomes empty. The winner of the game is the player who receives the highest score; however, it is worth noting that points hardly matter in this game.
The Sorting Phase or Epilogue
In this phase, players examine the cards and sort them to store a few good ones for the next deck. Some cards will be discarded and will never be played again. It is a game that potentially includes the creativity and imagination of other players.
Some players may be a fan of pledges while other players may lean towards a game of magic, with plenty of special powers, point generators, or creatures.
This game is definitely a game of creation and not a "serious" game.
A card game like this can only generate variants and derivatives. It is obviously possible to create and add more rules to this card game to create its versions.
One can obviously imagine cards created in a universe of espionage, fairy tale or science fiction. Also, one can imagine playing with blank cards of different colors or different forms.
Note that there are similar games such as the meta-game Dvorak. We also find a Demo crazy card game where the rules of the game continually change according to the votes of the players.
Source: Le Blog de Duinhir